Amazing design of our universe

Many of our greatest scientists have believed that the cosmos was designed by a great mind. Some of these include Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961), Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), and Francis Collins (1950- ).  Many scientists believe that when we are studying nature, especially the laws of nature, we are studying the mind of God.  We are thinking God’s thoughts after him.  The phrase “overwhelming impression of design” seems to have been coined or made popular by English physicist Paul Davies.

The sudden beginning of our cosmos strongly implies a Beginner, a transcendent being who exists beyond the confines of our universe.  The fallacy of infinite regression can be stated: "Any finite object that begins to exist must have been caused."  The universe is a finite object, so it must have been caused.  Its beginning implies the existence of a Creator. 

When we speak of the amazing design of our universe, we refer to its dizzying number of finely-tuned features.  Here are a few (from astronomer Hugh Ross’s book Why the Universe Is the Way It Is)

  1. The correct mass to volume ratio
  2. The correct overall mass
  3. The correct expansion rate
  4. The correct balance of dark matter to “ordinary” matter
  5. The correct amount of dark energy, whatever that is
  6. The correct age to produce heavy elements

Other significant features of the universe include in our fine-tuned-universe:

  1. The relative strengths and absolute values of the four fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetic, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and gravity)
  2. The relative importance of gravity to the expansion force of the universe
  3. The ratio of electron to proton mass
  4. All electrons in the universe appear to be identical as are all instances of each fundamental particle

This is a sampling of some of the amazing and improbable features of our universe that make it possible for intelligent life to exist anywhere.  A total of 38 features similar to those listed above are required of—and obviously are present in—the universe in order for any conceivable kind of intelligent life to be possible anywhere.  The Creator's supreme intelligence and profound care are expressed through his creation: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." (Psalm 19:1)

This blog article is an excerpt from my book: Five Languages of Evidence: How to Speak about Reasons for Christianity in a Post-truth World.  Not yet published; available upon request. 

Next post: The amazing design of our planet and solar system



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